The Archive

Step into the history of Harsh International. Right here, we're showing off the tough equipment and cool stuff from our past. This page is all about the hard work and innovations that have helped farmers for decades. Every picture, article, and old comic you find here tells a part of our story. It's about the hard-working machines and the people who built them. These aren't just old memories; they're the backbone of what we do and why we keep pushing to make better, stronger equipment.

Story | Origin of "Attitude - Performance - Integrity"
The values of attitude, performance, and integrity form the core of Harsh. Inspired by Andy Brown's wisdom during his tenure at Acme Precision Industries, or API, these principles have evolved from a clever euphemism into the very foundation of our company culture. Adopted officially by Harsh in 2024, these values embody our commitment to excellence, honesty, and the right mindset in every facet of our work.

Our dedication to these values distinguishes us, making our approach to the industry unique and crucial to our continued success. It's this value-driven philosophy that not only sets us apart but also propels us forward, ensuring we remain at the forefront of innovation and integrity in serving the agriculture sector.

While "API" also stands for "Application Programming Interface" in the tech world—a concept not directly owned or maintained by Harsh—it symbolizes the broader impact of technology in agriculture. This coincidence underscores our recognition of and respect for the transformative power of advanced applications within our industry. As we look to the future, we remain committed to integrating such innovations with our core values, further enhancing our contributions to agriculture, and ensuring that Harsh International continues to lead with attitude, performance, and integrity.
Article | "He's given 10,000 farmers a lift!"
from Farm Journal 1955-10: Volume 79 Issue 10 - download pdf

Advert | "Faster Easier Dumping"
from Farm Journal 1955-07: Volume 79 Issue 07

Advert | "Why Tie Up 2 Trucks?"
from Farm Journal 1955-04: Volume 79 Issue 04

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